Our Herd
Any good herd starts with a high-quality performing cow. Our Angus-based cowherd is focused on producing excellent replacements, removing the risk of an open female and the stress of calving for our customers.
Kansas Cattle Company customers enjoy using our Angus replacement pairs to expand their herd because they aren’t just adding another heifer, who may or may not be a good mother. Instead, they get to add a proven cow with a calf at her side. We are very selective on which replacement pairs we offer. Only females who calve on their own, with no assistance, are offered for sale
We use Zoetis i50k on our registered cattle, and GeneMax Advantage on our commercial heifers – these are the foundation tests we use before a heifer is bred in our program. We also evaluate each heifer’s reproduction track score, ocv, pelvic measure, and provide her with the anaplasmosis vaccine along with the complete Zoetis vaccination program. These advanced tests and evaluations allow us to provide our customers with EPD information, even on commercial cattle. Our mission is to go the extra mile to ensure we are offering heifers that are a step above for our customers looking for a solid, reliable replacement female.
Our Angus cow-calf pairs and open replacement females are offered for sale through private treaty every year in January. Or, if you are looking for a more custom experience, We also offer the option to partner with us through a pre-contract. Forward contracting Kansas Cattle heifer pairs can be a great way to get involved picking sire genetics to fit your herd. Customers choosing to pre-contract heifer pairs for the following year are invited to view the females at the ranch in late February to early March, before we begin A.I.-ing, to select which females you would like to purchase for the following year. If picking bulls seems daunting we have you covered with the industry’s best calving ease bulls exhibiting excellent growth potential. That way, you know you have a strong female, and a calf on the way to fit the needs of your herd.
To get on our waitlist, or to set up a pre-contract partnership with us to be involved with mating decisions for your future Kansas Cattle Company replacement pair, please visit our contact page